- Academic Calendar
- Academic Honesty Policies, Honor Code
- Academic Integrity Policies and Procedures
- Academic Standing Policy
- Accreditation
- Articulation Agreements
- Attendance
- Auditing Classes Procedure
- College Catalog
- College of Education 2020-21 Title II EPI Report
- College of Education 2020-21 Title II ITP Report
- Course Repeat Procedure
- Current degree programs – Degrees + Training
- Current degree programs – Program Explorer
- Disciplinary Procedure
- Drop with a Refund
- Faculty and Instructional Personnel
- Faculty Resources
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Florida Virtual Campus
- General Educational Development (GED)
- General Education Requirements
- Grading System
- Health and Safety Exemption Requirement
- Health Program Admissions
- Incomplete Grades Procedure
- Online Services
- Professional Licensure Compliance
- Residents Outside of Florida and Professional Licensure
- Student Code of Conduct
- Student Ombudsman Office
- Student Organization Procedure
- Transfer of Credit Procedure
- Withdrawal
- Warning, Probation, Suspension and Dismissal Procedure
Classes and Course Schedules
View class and courses schedules for upcoming terms at classes.spcollege.edu. You can use this link to filter courses by term, sessions, modality, campus and more.
View Classes
Course Syllabi
Simple Syllabus is SPC’s platform for managing and sharing course syllabi. Initially introduced Summer 2023, we are now focusing on achieving full implementation across all courses by Fall 2024. We appreciate your understanding as we aim to enhance the accessibility of your educational materials. Please note, syllabi for General Education Core Courses are usually made available 45 days before the beginning of the corresponding semester, with all other syllabi being available the Friday before the start of the corresponding semester.
View Syllabi
- Have a financial aid question? Ask PETE, our chatbot, or ask onine, virtually, on campus or by phone
- Available financial aid
- Apply for Financial Aid
- Avoiding Student Aid Scams - what to watch for and how to report them
- BankMobile Disbursements
- Calculating your financial aid award package
- Campus based policy
- Cohort Default Rate
- Contact SPC
- Cost of Attendance
- Degrees and Training
- Dependency Overrides
- Direct Loan (Federal Direct Student Loan) model disclosure form
- Federal Pell Grant
- Financial Aid Contacts
- Financial Aid Eligibility requirements
- Financial Aid refunds
- Grant assistance from your home state
- It's MY FUTURE! financial literacy program
- Last day to drop with a refund (Drop/Add policy)
- Net Price Calculator
- Private student loans
- Professional Judgement (includes Dependency Override)
- Refund Policy
- Return to Title IV Policy
- Rights and Responsibilities of financial aid recipients (known as SPC as Conditions of Financial Assistance)
- Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
- SPC tuition refunds
- Student Aid Eligibility Worksheet, select possessing or selling illegal drugs
- Student Complaints
- Student Grievances and Appeals
- Student Loan Entrance Counseling
- Student Loan Exit Counseling
- Study Abroad financial aid eligibility
- Textbook Affordability per Florida Statute and State Board of Education Rule
- Textbook Information
- Tuition and fees
- Verification
- Withdrawals (includes Official and Unofficial Withdrawals and Return to Title IV Funds)
- Access to SPC Campuses
- Annual Security Report
- Campus Crime Reports
- Daily Crime Log
- Emergency Response/Evacuation
- Missing Student Notification Policy and Procedure
- Parking
- Reporting Abuse of a Minor
- Reporting a Crime/Important Numbers
- Safety Tips
- Sexual Harassment Policies and Information
- Sexual Offenders and Predators List
- Sexual Violence and Misconduct
- Threat Assessment
- Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications
- Weapons and Firearms on Campus
- Employment, Continuing Ed and Annualized Earnings by Year, select AS FETPIP Dashboard
- College Navigator
- Cohort Default Rate
- SPC Fact Book and Enrollment Statistics
- State Reported Program-Specific Placement Rates
- State's Economic Security Report
- Student Achievement KPI: Success, Retention, Graduation and Transfer
- Bachelor's Degrees
- Copyright Regulations
- Compliance Statements
- Constitution Day
- Establishing and Maintaining an Information Security Program
- Information Technology Acceptable Use
- Information Security and Privacy Policy
- Peer-to-Peer File Sharing
- Privacy Policy
- Refund Procedure
- Social Security Number Usage
- Study Abroad
- Third Party Servicers involved in Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions and the Administration of Title IV Financial Aid
- University Partnership Center
- Voter Registration
Contact Us
Have questions about or need paper copies of the Consumer Disclosures? Complete this request form or call 727-341-3093.