Explore SPC tools for your success
At SPC, we offer many ways to manage your education with our online tools.

Discover Majors and Careers with Career Coach
CareerCoach can help you discover majors and in-demand careers based on your interests and provides local job listings, salary projections, job demand and related degrees.

Hire SPC Titans powered by Handshake
Hire SPC Titans powered by Handshake is St. Petersburg College's personal career and internship employment site. With this customizable online tool, you can discover new employment opportunities that are right for you, based on your major, interests, and skills.

Learning Plan Tool
The Learning Plan Tool in your MyCourses account is an online tool that helps guide you through your degree requirements. It shows you how much progress you have made toward your goal and enables you to determine the impact of decisions on dropping or adding courses or changing majors. Check out our video tutorial.

Learning Resources
Find everything you need to be successful in our Virtual Learning Commons. Learn how to use research tools through our Library, attend workshops, discover study strategies and more.

MyCourses (D2L Brightspace)
MyCourses is the learning management system used at St. Petersburg College to help facilitate all online and hybrid/blended courses as well as the college’s web-enhanced courses offered in a face-to-face environment. MyCourses is a convenient online system that provides you with many opportunities to interact with course materials as well as communicate with instructors and classmates from any device that has an Internet connection, including iPads and Android tablets. If you need assistance, please email us at LMS@spcollege.edu. For technical issues, please visit our Technical Support Center page.

Pulse (D2L Brightspace app)
Pulse is a mobile app that can help students stay connected and on track with their courses in MyCourses. It provides one easy view of course calendars, readings, assignments, evaluations, grades, and announcements. The app can help you make better decisions about how to handle workload, when to submit assignments, and when to prepare for tests. Real-time alerts can let you know when classes are canceled, rooms are moved, or new/updated course content and grades are made available. The schedule view and weekly visualization provide you with a quick, at-a-glance view of what is due today, this week, and later in the term across all your courses.

Resume Development Resources
Explore Resume Development Resources for tools and tips on writing and developing a resume and cover letter, plus get information on where to learn about upcoming workshops and how to contact a Career Readiness Navigator.

Simple Syllabus
Simple Syllabus is SPC’s platform for managing and sharing course syllabi. Initially introduced Summer 2023, we are now focusing on achieving full implementation across all courses by Fall 2024. We appreciate your understanding as we aim to enhance the accessibility of your educational materials. Please note, syllabi for General Education Core Courses are usually made available 45 days before the beginning of the corresponding semester, with all other syllabi being available the Friday before the start of the corresponding semester.

Titan Connect
Getting involved at St. Petersburg College is your ticket to success! In and outside classroom activities, engagement, and events help complete the college experience at SPC. Titan Connect is the portal for the SPC community to see events, organizations and opportunities.

Titan Hub
Titan Hub (Pathify) can help enhance your college experience at SPC. Install this app on your phone or visit Titan Hub online and unlock resources that can help you on your academic journey and connect you with your campus and the collegewide community. Titan Hub offers easy, one-stop access to email, MySPC, MyCourses, and more.

Titan Video Portal
Our Titan Video Portal provides access to many topics. Organized by channels, you can find information about how to be a successful online student, registration, tutorials, sports, and academic community and program information. We are always adding to our channels so stay tuned. If you did not find what you were looking for, let us know what you are looking for.

Zoom is technology used to connect in an interactive way. St. Petersburg College uses Zoom as a way to connect employees and students in a virtual face-to-face and interactive way. Zoom is used to meet with classmates on projects or host meetings for clubs. Zoom offers a free version for anyone who wants to use the basic version of the application. Zoom also offers video tutorials to learn how to use the platform. Find out more about technical requirements.