"Ready, Set, Interview!" Simulator Lab

St. Petersburg/Gibbs Campus SU-130
6605 5th Ave. N. St.Petersburg, FL 33710

Nail your next interview with confidence! Practice common interview questions in a mock interview.

  • For logistics information regarding time, location, food provided/not provided, transportation, and any other direct event question, please contact Fabre Williams at Williams.fabre@spcollege.edu
  • If you are a student currently receiving approved accommodations and have questions related to your participation, please contact your Accessibility Services Coordinator directly.
  • If you are a student currently receiving American Sign Language or real-time captioning accommodations and you plan to attend, please contact Stephanie Wyatt at 727-791-5942 or wyatt.stephanie@spcollege.edu

For more information, contact: Fabre Williams