How to check your financial aid status

Don't stand in line - go online. Check your financial aid status online 24/7/365. Find out if you need to submit any documents or have any outstanding requirements that need to be met. 

  • Presidential Scholarship and Dr Johnnie Ruth Clarke Scholarship

    Presidential Scholarship and Dr Johnnie Ruth Clarke Scholarship

    The Presidential scholarship and Dr. Johnnie Ruth Clarke scholarship applications are now open. The application deadline is April 18.

  • summer financial aid

    summer financial aid

    Your Pell Grant eligibility will be determined automatically based on actual enrollment or projected enrollment. Complete the Student Loan Request if you would like to apply for Federal Direct Loans.

    Find out more about Summer financial aid.

Log in to TitanHub, go to MySPC to:

  • Check your SPC student email for notices. This is not the same as your MyCourses email. If you are not able to access your SPC student email, contact Technical Support at 727-341-4357. All notifications are sent to your SPC student email. You may forward this email to your personal email.
  • Check your To Do List under MyActionItems daily to view any outstanding items for financial aid, admissions, or other departments. Respond immediately to any To Do List request because outstanding items can prohibit you from registering for classes and from getting financial aid awards.
  • View Financial Aid Awards under Financial Assistance. Choose the year you wish to view. You can view the types and amounts of financial aid you have been awarded by year and by term. If you attend less than full-time during any term, your Cost of Attendance and financial aid award amounts will be adjusted. This could result in reduction or removal of loans or other financial aid.
  • Decline, Reduce or Accept Loans
    You must complete this process in order for your financial aid to be applied to your student account for tuition and fees.
  • Enroll in IonTuitionTM. Use this great tool to manage your debt and successfully repay your student loans.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

  • If you are already receiving financial aid, you can View Your SAP Status for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).

Financial Assistance Benchmarks

  • Email: All email notifications are sent to your SPC student email. Students may forward their SPC student email to a personal email.
  • Awarding: Financial Assistance awarding occurs DAILY. Email notifications are sent DAILY.
  • Verification: 14 working days from the receipt date of all required documentation in the current aid year. Once complete, the verification item(s) will be removed from your MySPC To Do List.
  • SAP Appeals: 15 working days from the receipt date of all required documentation. Email notifications are sent DAILY. Once a decision is made, the SAP item will be removed from your MySPC To Do List. To check the current SAP status, login to MySPC, select “Financial Aid Status,” select the aid year and look in the box in the top right-hand corner.

Students will be notified by email if, during peak processing times, the benchmarks above have been revised.

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