You can ask for a review if your financial circumstances have changed and your situation is different from the norm. The reason cannot be based on conditions that exist for a whole class of students. Each family’s situation is reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
If you have had increased expenses, your Cost of Attendance could be increased. If you have had a reduction in income, the data on your FAFSA could be adjusted, resulting in a lower Student Aid Index. Either or both of these adjustments could result in higher need, which could result in additional financial aid eligibility.
Here is the formula used to calculate your financial aid eligibility:
Cost of Attendance - Student Aid Index = Financial Need
If you currently have a -1,500 SAI, you are already considered for the maximum amount of federal financial aid, therefore a “reduction of income” evaluation would not provide additional aid; however, if you experienced a significant increase in expenses, this change may provide an opportunity for additional aid eligibility.
Here are some specific examples that warrant a review. SPC is not limited to these examples, nor are we required to use Professional Judgment in these circumstances.
- tuition expenses at an elementary or secondary school
- medical or dental expenses paid, but not covered by insurance
- unusually high child care costs
- recent unemployment (student, spouse, and/or parent of dependent student)
Supporting documentation by a third party, if possible, must relate to your changed financial situation and must be submitted with your request. Requests will not be reviewed until all documentation is submitted. Additional supporting information may be requested.
Please note the following before starting the process:
If your request is approved, SPC does not guarantee that there will be a change in your federal financial aid eligibility.
If you would like to have your financial circumstances reviewed, contact a Financial Aid Administrator.