Tuition Fee Waivers and Exemptions

St. Petersburg College offers several ways to reduce the cost of tuition and fees for the following:

    Out-of-State Tuition Waivers for:

    Department of Children and Families

    • Department of Children and Families Tuition and Fee Exemption
      Students who received services from the Department of Children and Families (DCF) may be eligible for a Tuition and Fee Exemption if they reached age 18 in the custody of DCF, were adopted from DCF, were in the custody of a relative under s. 39.5085, F.S. or placed in a guardianship by the court after reaching age 16 and spending at least 6 months in the custody of DCF. Please complete this form ONLY if you have submitted a signed DCF Form CF-FSP 5220 to SPC and you are registered for classes for the term.

    Disabled Veteran Waiver

    • Disabled Veteran Waiver

      In 2022, In 2022, House Bill 45 (Chapter No. 2022-187, Laws of Florida) created section 295.011, Florida Statutes (F.S.), to establish a fee waiver for disabled veterans who are enrolled in a postsecondary program and receive educational assistance under the GI Bill, but who do not qualify for the 100 percent eligibility tier federally.

      Beginning in 2022-23, these students are eligible to receive a waiver in the amount that is the difference between the portion of tuition and fees authorized under federal law and the full amount of tuition and fees charged by the institution attended.

      To qualify for this waiver, the student must meet the following criteria:
      1. Be a resident of the state of Florida.
      2. Have a disability rating with the VA, or any branch of the US Armed Service, of 100% Total and Permanent.
      3. Be in receipt of VA GI Bill benefits at a rate of less than 100% eligibility.
      If you meet these criteria, please fill out the Disabled Veteran Waiver and include supporting documentation to prove eligibility.

      Examples which prove eligibility may be, but are not limited to:
      1. DD214
      2. VA Certificate of Eligibility
      3. Official document from VA certifying the 100% Total and Permanent disability rating.

      Have you been approved for this waiver for a prior term and wish to request a continuation of this waiver? Complete the Request of Continuation of the Disabled Veterans Waiver