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Information for Individuals Using Service Animals

SPC is committed to being a welcoming, inclusive place for all students, employees and visiting members of the public, as well as their service animals. The following is a short list of important information for disabled individuals who bring service animals to campus. If this leaves any of your questions unanswered please feel free to reach out to the individuals listed below for assistance.

What is a service animal?
Service animal means any dog or miniature horse that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. The work or tasks performed by a service animal must be directly related to the individual's disability. Note that SPC does not permit other animals on campus such as pets or emotional support animals. Only service dogs or service miniature horses, as defined above, are allowed.

Where are service animals allowed?
Generally, service animals are allowed to go anywhere that the disabled handler is allowed to go. This includes classes for faculty and students, areas that serve or prepare food and other campus areas. Note, however, if the presence of an animal could require a fundamental alteration of the nature of the activity or space the College may need to engage the disabled handler in an interactive process to find an alternative accommodation.

What must I do to bring a service animal to campus?
Disabled individuals with service animals are not required to register the animal or request permission to bring the service animal to campus. Additionally, they do not need to provide documentation of the service animal's training and the service animal does not need to wear a tag, vest, or other visual proof to indicate it is a service animal.

Service animal handlers are responsible for their service animals

  • Disabled persons and their service animals must comply with the same rules regarding noise, safety, disruption, and cleanliness as students without disabilities.
  • Service animals must be housebroken (i.e., trained so that it controls its waste elimination, absent illness or accident) and must be kept under control by a harness, leash, or other tether, unless the person is unable to hold those, or such use would interfere with the service animal's performance of work or tasks. In such instances, the service animal must be kept under control by voice, signals, or other effective means.
  • SPC is not responsible for the care or supervision of service animals. People with disabilities are responsible for the cost, care, and supervision of service animals, including:
    • Compliance with any laws pertaining to animal licensing, vaccination, and owner identification;
    • Keeping the animal under control and taking effective action when it is out of control
    • Feeding and walking the service animal, and disposing of its waste.

If a service animal is disruptive, out of control, unhouse broken, or poses a threat then campus security may require the animal be removed from campus.

Where can I find the SPC policy?
See BOT 6Hx23-1.251 at

If you have any questions or concerns regarding service animals please contact St. Petersburg College's ADA/504 Officer at 727-344-8041 or by email at

If you have questions about Accessibility Services, please contact the Accessibility Services Coordinator on your campus. Find your Accessibility Coordinator.