SPC offers a wide range of services for SPC students including placement testing, information on course credit by exams, opt-out exams, proctored testing, remote proctored testing, industry certification testing, and more.
Make a Testing Appointment
Make a testing appointment by campus
Placement testing
Placement testing helps you determine which courses you are ready for at SPC. These are not pass/fail tests, and test scores are used to help you decide what classes you should start with to help you be more successful.
Course Credit by Exam/Course Opt-out
At SPC, you may be eligible to earn course credit for your scores on certain standardized tests and course specific opt-out exams.
Graduation Requirements
Depending on your degree and when you entered St. Petersburg College, you may be required to complete the Florida Civic Literacy Exam prior to graduating.
Testing at SPC
Whether you need a placement test, are interested in course credit by exam, or are an Online student, SPC’s Testing Department is here to help!