Become an expert in medical device design and manufacturing

With hundreds of medical device employers in the Tampa Bay area, industry demand is the driving force behind SPC’s biomedical engineering technology academic programs. Our newest short-term certificate, Medical Device Design and Manufacturing, gives you hands-on experience with medical equipment, computer-aided drawing and prototyping so you can get to work quickly.

This academic program prepares you for the following careers. All job data is provided by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Medical Equipment Repairers

Salary Data

Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL Metro Area Average

Florida Average

Projected employment for Florida

2022 Employment




Percent Change


Projected Job Openings


Medical Appliance Technicians

Salary Data

Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL Metro Area Average

Florida Average

Projected employment for Florida

2022 Employment




Percent Change


Projected Job Openings


SPC partners with the following organizations and others to ensure our educational programs meet local job training needs. Our direct connection to these industry leaders means the training you get at SPC will prepare you for a meaningful in-demand career.

Industry partners include:

  • Bovie Medical
  • Oscor
  • Mercury Medical
  • BayCare Health System

Our Medical Device Design and Manufacturing Certificate trains you in medical equipment, FDA procedures for new medical devices and the latest computer-aided software to create models and prototypes. These skills and more help you meet the needs of local employers who are looking for technicians.

  • You can get to work quickly
  • Receive training in medical device manufacturing and repair
  • Become skilled in medical device maintenance, repair and installation
  • Understand quality testing and electrical design
  • Understand medical device cybersecurity and networking, including knowledge of digital manufacturing and systems integration

Medical Device Design and Manufacturing Certificate with Financial Aid Eligibility

Effective Beginning Catalog Term: Fall 2020 (580)

The requirements shown below are valid beginning Fall 2020 (580), and may not reflect degree requirements for current students. Current students should visit My SPC and view My Learning Plan to see specific degree requirements for their effective term.

Program Summary

This new college credit certificate for Medical Device Manufacturing and Design is designed to provide students with skills to work for a medical device manufacturer. The recommendation for a new CCC is based on work done in partnership with the SPC Biomedical Engineering Technology advisory board. One of Nation’s largest concentrations of medical device companies is in Florida, which implies that many of these companies are constantly looking for new devices to add to the market. This CCC will provide manufacturers employees skilled in design, implementation, and risk analysis. The CCC could also benefit incumbent workers who want to expand their skills into device design and the certificate is financial aid eligible.

Graduation Requirements

All courses need to be completed with a minimum of a "C" grade.

Academic Pathways

The Academic Pathway is a tool for students that lists the following items:
  • the recommended order in which to take the program courses
  • suggested course when more than one option exists
  • which semester each course is typically offered
  • if the course has a prerequisite
  • courses that may lead to a certificate (if offered in the program)

Please verify the Academic Pathway lists your correct starting semester.

Program Leadership Information

Dr. Natavia Middleton
Dr. Sidney Martin
Program Director

Florida CIP Code

0615040108 - Medical Device Design and Manufacturing (CCC )

Federal CIP Code

15.0401 - Biomedical Technology/Technician.

Continuing your education at SPC

The Medical Device Design and Manufacturing Certificate is part of and transfers to SPC's Biomedical Engineering Technology Associate of Science Degree. The A.S. degree prepares you for several industry certifications.

Certificate to associate