Ready to start a new, hands-on career as a Physical Therapist Assistant? SPC's Physical Therapist Assistant A.S. Degree will prepare you to pass the national licensing exam through the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy.

Opportunities: Assisted living facilities, General and rehabilitation hospitals, Higher education centers, Home health agencies, Orthopedic/sports rehabilitation clinics, Pediatric health centers, Public schools, Rehabilitation equipment companies, Skilled nursing facilities.

This academic program prepares you for the following careers. All job data is provided by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Physical Therapist Assistants

Salary Data

Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL Metro Area Average

Florida Average

Projected employment for Florida

2023 Employment




Percent Change


Projected Job Openings


FEATURES of SPC's Physical Therapist Assistant A.S. Degree program

WHAT YOU WILL LEARN in the Physical Therapist Assistant A.S. Degree at SPC

  • Diseases and problems commonly treated in physical therapy
  • The basics of therapies used, including therapeutic exercise, functional training and soft tissue massage
  • Legal and ethical responsibilities
  • Industry standards and safety regulations

Physical Therapist Assistant Associate in Science

Effective Beginning Catalog Term: Fall 2024 (640)

The requirements shown below are valid beginning Fall 2024 (640), and may not reflect degree requirements for current students. Current students should visit My SPC and view My Learning Plan to see specific degree requirements for their effective term.

Program Summary

Transferable to a Bachelor’s degree in Health Services Administration at SPC. This program begins every August. All Physical Therapist Assistant courses (PHT course prefix) are offered only at the Health Education Center at 7200 66th St. N., Pinellas Park. Due to the time-intensive nature of the PTA program courses, it is highly recommended that students complete as many of the general education and support courses as possible prior to entry into the program. Candidates will also complete the Health Programs Application. It is recommended that all students applying to the PTA program see a counselor or advisor at the Health Education Center.

Graduation Requirements

Grade of "C" or better required in all courses.Successful completion (78%) of a comprehensive program exam given at the end of the second year.

Academic Pathways

The Academic Pathway is a tool for students that lists the following items:
  • the recommended order in which to take the program courses
  • suggested course when more than one option exists
  • which semester each course is typically offered
  • if the course has a prerequisite
  • courses that may lead to a certificate (if offered in the program)

Please verify the Academic Pathway lists your correct starting semester.

Program Leadership Information

Dr. Kory Thomas
Program Director
For Academic Advising and Program Admissions Information please contact:


Florida CIP Code

1351080601 - Physical Therapist Assistant

Federal CIP Code

51.0806 - Physical Therapy Assistant.


  • Students accepted into the program will be required to successfully  pass a background check and drug screening.
  • Liability and clinical accidental insurance must be obtained through the college for a fee.
  • Students admitted to this program must have a physical examination by a licensed physician or an advanced RN practitioner verifying satisfactory health status prior to entrance into the first session of the program. This must include all immunizations, tests, and health verifications tests, and health verifications as specified within contractual agreements with affiliating agencies. This may be required on an annual basis at the discretion of the program director.
  • Program requirements are subject to change. Students should check with a counselor, advisor or the program director.
  • Students transferring from another Physical Therapist Assistant or other health-related program must be in good standing in such program. Exceptions will be handled by the Provost's Office at the Health Education Center.
  • Complaints generated from the community that fall outside of the college's due process may be reported to either PTA Program Director  Dr. Kory Thomas, PT, DPT. or Dean of Health Programs  Deanna Stentiford.



  • Graduation rate of the last two graduating classes: 71.7% (2024-2023)
    • Graduation rates are calculated by the program based on the percentage of students who matriculated in the first technical course in the program after the add/drop period and who completed the program.
  • Performance on licensure exam: Overall ultimate passing rate of the last two graduating classes: 100% (2024-2023). First time pass rate of last two graduating classes: 95.25% (2024-2023); 90.5% (2024), 100% (2023).
    • Licensure examination pass rates are based on results received from the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT).
  • Employment rate of the last two graduating classes: 100% (2024-2023).
    • Employment rates are based on self-reported data received from graduates, as well as supplemental data gathered by the program staff.

Program Accreditation

The Physical Therapist Assistant program at St. Petersburg College is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085; telephone: 703-706-3245; email: accreditation@apta.org; website: https://www.capteonline.org. If needing to contact the program/institution directly, please call 727-341-3612 or email thomas.kory@spcollege.edu.


This Physical Therapist Assistant A.S. Degree prepares you for the national licensing exam and transfers to our Health Services Administration B.A.S. degree.


SPC also offers health continuing education through the Workforce Institute.

Physical Therapist Assistant A.S. Degree

Program Admission Guides

Please review the program admission guide to ensure your eligibility prior to applying below.

Health Programs Application

Students accepted into the program will be required to successfully pass a background check and drug screening.

Application Windows

Term Applications Accepted Application Review Student Notified By MySPC e-mail
Fall: August March 1 – May 15 May 16 – June 30 Please refer to specific dates in the admission guide