You may qualify for student loans. They are a serious financial obligation and must be repaid. Be sure to look for other forms of financial aid that don't have to be paid back, like grants, scholarships or student employment before accepting loans.
SPC does not offer Federal Perkins Loans.
St. Petersburg College provides FREE, easy-to-use loan management and planning tools so you can afford to finish your education without accumulating a pile of debt. Our best advice is:
- Don't borrow if you don't have to
- If you need to borrow, borrow only what you need
- Consider your projected monthly take-home pay vs. your projected monthly student loan payment amount
- Stay in contact with your student loan service provider to stay on top of what you owe
- On-time repayment will help you establish a good credit rating so be sure to explore your repayment options
SPC encourages you to review all information about loans before deciding to borrow and to borrow only what you need. Loan default is a serious consequence for not repaying your loans.
Student Loan Repayment
Student loan borrowers - interest started accruing again in September and repayment began in October. Visit for details about your next steps.
Available loans at SPC include the following. Please note that federal loan terms and conditions are generally more favorable than private loans.